(Based on Chapter 3 of my book, ‘Stop Using the “B” Word‘) Time and Compounding Productivity Harnessing the Power of Focus What if I told you that time, when paired with intentional focus, could work like compound interest—creating exponential growth in your productivity? In Chapter 3 of my book, ‘Stop […]
Jessica Hegedus
3 posts
(Based on Chapter 2 of “Stop Using the “B” Word”) Unwillingness: The Root of Busyness? Have you ever paused to ask yourself a hard question: Am I truly willing to do what is required to achieve my goals and priorities? Or are you filling your days with activities that […]
The Key to Business Success: Stop Using the “B” Word (Based on Chapter 1 of “Stop Using the “B” Word) Have you ever found yourself so “busy” at work or in life that you feel like you’re running in circles, never really accomplishing what you set out to do? You […]