Stop Using the B Word

Overcome Distractions by Replacing Busy with Productive

by Todd Hopkins

If you are too busy to do what you want to do, help who you want to help, and accomplish what you are capable of, this book is for you. Todd Hopkins’ simple 30 day challenge to stop using the word “busy” will change your life. While humans are becoming addicted to distractions, Todd has identified from personal experience 11 common productivity distractions and provided insights on how to overcome them. If you want to 4X your personal and corporate productivity, read this book.

Productivity does not come naturally, distractions come naturally. Productivity comes by intentional choice and distractions are overcome by intentional choice.

Do you want to be remembered by the distractions you pursued, or the purpose for which you were created? This book will help you get a grip on identifying and overcoming the distractions that keep you from pursuing and achieving your full potential.

The Stress Less Business Owner

by Todd Hopkins

"Ten Guiding Disciplines to Bring Joy and True Success Back to Your Business"

esurrect peace, joy, and self-control.

Overwhelmed by life? Feel stuck in the chaos of endless commitments? You are not alone. People die every day due to stress-related illnesses. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. In The Stress Less Business Owner, discover how to eliminate stress triggers and maintain balance in your personal and professional life… Read More

The Janitor

by Todd Hopkins & Ray Hilbert


Stress is killing young CEO Roger Kimbrough

His business is out of control and his marriage is sinking. His biggest client jerks around his company, requiring untold hour putting out fires and coping with spec changes and pricing demands. He arrives home nights after his daughters are asleep and leaves mornings before they arise. His disillusioned wife wants at divorce… Read More

The Carrot Chaser

by Todd Hopkins & Ray Hilbert


The Carrot Chaser is a thrilling, heartwarming story of how to follow God in a busy world!

Matthew Swift is a young, brash, and arrogant executive who seemingly has it all.  His image graces the covers of all the top business magazines.  He’s got money, power, and of course, all of the toys that come with it. But his world is about to come crashing down. His disregard for the people around him… Read More

Five Wisdoms

by Todd Hopkins


Most People Who Start a Business Give up Too Soon

It happens one day while you are on vacation, doing your workout routine, or taking the dog for a walk. Something you hear or read or see transforms itself into an idea that takes shape in your mind. Without a grand announcement, the seed for your new business takes its first root.  The idea turns into an exciting vision. You see success on the horizon and you are ready to reach for it. You will be your own boss so… Read More

Office Pride Culture Book

by Todd Hopkins


Here is a chance to “look under the hood” of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services franchise and check out the culture of who we REALLY are.

In this book, which is written by a professional writer whom we hired to capture the full and unbiased participation of our franchisees, you will hear from numerous franchise owners and staff. Together we have created a culture that I hope will inspire and motivate you to be all God created you to be in the marketplace. Our core values are our… Read More

About Todd

Todd Hopkins is the Founder of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services, and served as its CEO for 30 years. Office Pride is an award-winning janitorial franchising company and one of the most respected brands in its industry. Headquartered in Palm Harbor, Florida, Office Pride has 155 franchise locations in 28 states, and is a longtime member of the Franchise Business Review Hall of Fame™ for franchisee satisfaction. Todd has received some of the cleaning industry’s top awards and recognitions, including in 2022, the BSCAI Industry Leadership Award.

After successfully transferring stewardship of Office Pride to new owners, Todd now invest his time and experience as a business coach for entrepreneurs wanting to scale and achieve their dreams.

Todd is an international best-selling author or co-author of five books, including Five Wisdoms for Entrepreneur Survival – Practical Experience and Biblical Perspective and is a highly sought after speaker at both business and ministry events. His book, The Janitor – How an Unexpected Friendship Transformed a CEO and His Company, co-authored with Ray Hilbert, has sold more than 600,000 copies and has been published in 10 languages. In The Stress Less Business Owner, Todd shares 10 guiding disciplines for bringing joy and true success back to your life and business. Most recently, Todd released Stop Using the “B” Word: How to Overcome Distractions by Replacing Busy with Productive, based on his popular workshops and teachings on maximizing productivity and overcoming distractions.

Todd is a business graduate from the University of Memphis. He has an MBA from Butler University, where Office Pride began as an MBA class research paper, and is a graduate of the M.I.T. Birthing of Giants Executive Entrepreneurship Program.

Todd and his wife, Michelle, live in Palm Harbor, FL, and have three sons.